Mrs. Wischnewsky's class created healthy plate projects in Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness. #RTCProud #RisingToChallenges
Congratulations to the RTC Jr. FFA officer team!
Mr. Schovajsa’s Biology students in the lab testing pH levels of various products 🐾
Lets Celebrate Grandparents!
Grab your Classics for Kids T-Shirt {by clicking the link below} to support the Education Foundation!
The Cubettes took down Giddings in 5 sets 🐾 Way to go, girls 🤍🖤
Be sure to sign up for ipcoming FFA LDE Competitions and Livestock Judging.
FFA Kickoff is tonight - see you there!
Upcoming events for the week of 8/19!
Picture forms were sent home with junior high and high school students today!
We can't wait to see everyone tomorrow morning!
* Incoming 7th graders and new students: 5:00-6:00
* Returning students: 5:30-6:00
* Mandatory student athlete meeting: 6:00 (at least one parent should attend)
*Booster Club Meeting immediately following student athlete meeting
All students returning to RT-C ISD must complete the online registration every year. Please log into your Parent Portal to complete your student's registration for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Your email address must match the email address on file.
Things to remember:
Include the full address for all parents/guardians.
Registration is complete when the registration bar is all green and all forms show as complete.
We are unable to reset your password. Use the forgot password button under the Login button for password and/or User name help.
High school students will not be able to pick up their schedules in August unless online registration is complete.
School supplies lists can be found on the website.
For additional assistance please contact the campus office.
The Round Top - Carmine Education Foundation is hosting their 1st Annual Classics for Kids Car Show. Mail the completed Car Show Entry Form to enter.
Don't forget to grab your meal tickets from any student athlete or the high school office!
Come join our team!
We look forward to tonight's performances!
We're kicking off Teacher Appreciation Week with some yard sign love and Whataburger breakfast 🐾